Diff - Left File: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS3115/IRS3115.xsd (2015v1.0) Right File: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS3115/IRS3115.xsd (2015v2.0)
OLD: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS3115/IRS3115.xsd (2015v1.0)
NEW: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS3115/IRS3115.xsd (2015v2.0)

OLD line(s): 40

          <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="OverallMethodOfAccountingAttachment TradeOrBusinessStatement LegalBasisForChangeStatement ApplicantsReasonForProposedChangeStatement ParentCorporationInformationStatement ChangeInOverallMethodOfAccountingStatement ChangeInOverallMethodBreakdownStatement ChangeToCashMethodStatement ChangeToIPICMethodStatement IRS970 LongTermContractsStatement MfrGoodsSoldOrDistributedStatement ApplicantsContractsStatement DescriptionOfInventoryGoodsBeingChangedStatement DescriptionOfInventoryGoodsNotBeingChangedStatement ChangeFromLIFOToNonLIFOMethodStatement ChangeInValuingInventoriesAdditionalInformationStatement UnableToFurnishCopyOfForm970Statement AllocationAndCapitalizationMethodsStatement MthdOfCostAllocationCostsNotFullyUnderSect263Aor460Stmt RequestToDeferAdvancePaymentUnderRegSect14515Stmt LIFOInventoryOtherThanCostStatement ManufacturingProposedPoolStatement PresentAndProposedLIFOMethodsStatment PresentMethodDifferenceExplanationStatement ProposedChangeInPoolingInventoriesStatement ProposedChangeNotForLIFOInventoryStatement ProposedChangeNotForLIFOPoolsStatement ProposedNaturalBusinessUnitStatement WholesaleOrRetailGoodsProposedNumOfPoolsStatement BinaryAttachment DeferralMethodAdvancePayments"/>
NEW line(s): 40

          <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="OverallMethodOfAccountingAttachment TradeOrBusinessStatement LegalBasisForChangeStatement ApplicantsReasonForProposedChangeStatement ParentCorporationInformationStatement ChangeInOverallMethodOfAccountingStatement ChangeInOverallMethodBreakdownStatement ChangeToCashMethodStatement ChangeToIPICMethodStatement IRS970 LongTermContractsStatement MfrGoodsSoldOrDistributedStatement ApplicantsContractsStatement DescriptionOfInventoryGoodsBeingChangedStatement DescriptionOfInventoryGoodsNotBeingChangedStatement ChangeFromLIFOToNonLIFOMethodStatement ChangeInValuingInventoriesAdditionalInformationStatement UnableToFurnishCopyOfForm970Statement AllocationAndCapitalizationMethodsStatement MthdOfCostAllocationCostsNotFullyUnderSect263Aor460Stmt RequestToDeferAdvancePaymentUnderRegSect14515Stmt LIFOInventoryOtherThanCostStatement ManufacturingProposedPoolStatement PresentAndProposedLIFOMethodsStatment PresentMethodDifferenceExplanationStatement ProposedChangeInPoolingInventoriesStatement ProposedChangeNotForLIFOInventoryStatement ProposedChangeNotForLIFOPoolsStatement ProposedNaturalBusinessUnitStatement WholesaleOrRetailGoodsProposedNumOfPoolsStatement BinaryAttachment DeferralMethodAdvancePayments GeneralDependencySmall"/>
OLD line(s): 90

        <xsd:element name="EIN" type="EINType">
NEW line(s): 90

        <xsd:element name="EIN" type="EINType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
OLD line(s): 446,447

      <!-- Do Any Of The Scope Limitations Described In Section 4.02 Rev Proc 2008-52 Cause Automatic Consent To Be Unavailable For The Applicants Requested Change? -->
      <xsd:element name="ScopeLmtAutoCnsntUnAvlblInd" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 446,447

      <!-- Do Any Of The Eligibility Rules Restrict The Applicant From Filing The Requested Change Using The Automatic Consent Procedures (See Instructions)? -->
      <xsd:element name="RulesRstrAutoChangeProcInd" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 450

            <Description>Do any of the scope limitations described in section 4.02 rev proc 2008-52 cause automatic consent to be unavailable for the applicants requested change?</Description>
NEW line(s): 450

            <Description>Do any of the eligibility rules restrict the applicant from filing the requested change using the automatic consent procedures (see instructions)?</Description>
OLD line(s): 463

NEW line(s): 464,473

      <!-- Has The Filer Provided All The Information And Statements Required. -->
      <xsd:element name="AllInformationProvidedInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Has the filer provided all the information and statements required.</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part I Line 3</LineNumber>

OLD line(s): 471

            <LineNumber>Part II Line 3</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 481

            <LineNumber>Part II Line 4</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 476,477

      <!-- Is Any Federal Returns Under Examination? -->
      <xsd:element name="AnyFederalReturnsUnderExamInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 486,487

      <!-- Is The Applicant Requesting To Change To The Principal Method In The Tax Year Of Change Under Section 1.381(c)(4)-1(d)(1) Or 1.381(c)(5)-1(d)(1)? -->
      <xsd:element name="RequestChgUndSect1381Ind" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 480,481

            <Description>Is any federal returns under examination?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 4a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 490,491

            <Description>Is the applicant requesting to change to the principal method in the tax year of change under section 1.381(c)(4)-1(d)(1) or 1.381(c)(5)-1(d)(1)?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 5</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 486,492

      <!-- Any Federal Returns Under Examination Repeating Group -->
      <xsd:element name="ReturnsUnderExaminationInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

            <!-- Examination Period Beginning Date -->
            <xsd:element name="ExaminationPeriodBeginDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 496,497

      <!-- Preparer Other Than Filer Name -->
      <xsd:element name="PreparerOtherThanFilerNm" type="PersonNameType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 495,496

                  <Description>Examination period beginning date</Description>
                  <LineNumber>Part II Line 4a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 500

            <Description>Preparer other than filer name</Description>
OLD line(s): 501,502

            <!-- Examination Period Ending Date -->
            <xsd:element name="ExaminationPeriodEndDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 505,509

      <!-- Choice between the following: Preparer Firm Name or Preparer Person Name -->
      <xsd:choice minOccurs="0">

        <!-- Preparer Firm Name -->
        <xsd:element name="PreparerFirmName" type="BusinessNameType">
OLD line(s): 505,506

                  <Description>Examination period ending date</Description>
                  <LineNumber>Part II Line 4a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 512

              <Description>Preparer firm name</Description>
OLD line(s): 511,512

NEW line(s): 517,523

        <!-- Preparer Person Name -->
        <xsd:element name="PreparerPersonNm" type="PersonNameType">
              <Description>Preparer person name</Description>
OLD line(s): 515,516

      <!-- Is Method of Change an Issue Under Consideration or Placed in Suspense? -->
      <xsd:element name="MethodOfChangeIssueSuspInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 526,529

      <!-- Is Any Federal Returns Under Examination? -->
      <xsd:element name="AnyFederalReturnsUnderExamInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 519,520

            <Description>Is method of change an issue under consideration or placed in suspense?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 4b</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 532,533

            <Description>Is any federal returns under examination?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 6a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 525,526

      <!-- Method of Change Issue Under Consideration or Placed in Suspense Repeating Group -->
      <xsd:element name="ConsiderationOrSuspenseInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
NEW line(s): 538,539

      <!-- Any Federal Returns Under Examination Repeating Group -->
      <xsd:element name="ReturnsUnderExaminationInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
OLD line(s): 530,531

            <!-- Consideration or Suspense Beginning Date -->
            <xsd:element name="ConsiderationOrSuspenseStartDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 543,544

            <!-- Examination Period Beginning Date -->
            <xsd:element name="ExaminationPeriodBeginDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 534,535

                  <Description>Consideration or suspense beginning date</Description>
                  <LineNumber>Part II Line 4b</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 547,548

                  <Description>Examination period beginning date</Description>
                  <LineNumber>Part II Line 6a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 540,541

            <!-- Consideration or suspense ending date -->
            <xsd:element name="ConsiderationOrSuspenseEndDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 553,554

            <!-- Examination Period Ending Date -->
            <xsd:element name="ExaminationPeriodEndDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 544,545

                  <Description>Consideration or suspense ending date</Description>
                  <LineNumber>Part II Line 4b</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 557,558

                  <Description>Examination period ending date</Description>
                  <LineNumber>Part II Line 6a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 554,555

      <!-- Name of Individual Preparing Application if Other Than Filer/Applicant -->
      <xsd:element name="PreparerOtherThanFilerNm" type="PersonNameType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 567,568

      <!-- Is Method of Change An Issue Under Consideration? -->
      <xsd:element name="AcctMthdChgUndConsiderationInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 558

            <Description>Name of individual preparing application if other than filer/applicant</Description>
NEW line(s): 571,572

            <Description>Is method of change an issue under consideration?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 6b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 563,564

      <!-- Name of Firm Preparing Application if Other Than Filer/Applicant -->
      <xsd:choice minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 577,580

      <!-- Method of Change Issue Under Consideration Repeating Group -->
      <xsd:element name="AcctMthdChgUndConsiderationGrp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
OLD line(s): 566,567

        <!-- Business Name -->
        <xsd:element name="PreparerFirmName" type="BusinessNameType">
NEW line(s): 582,583

            <!-- Consideration Beginning Date -->
            <xsd:element name="ConsiderationStartDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 570

              <Description>Name of firm preparing application if other than filer/applicant</Description>
NEW line(s): 586,587

                  <Description>Consideration beginning date</Description>
                  <LineNumber>Part II Line 6b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 575,576

        <!-- Person Name -->
        <xsd:element name="PreparerPersonNm" type="PersonNameType">
NEW line(s): 592,593

            <!-- Consideration Ending Date -->
            <xsd:element name="ConsiderationEndDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 579

              <Description>Name of firm preparing application if other than filer/applicant</Description>
NEW line(s): 596,597

                  <Description>Consideration ending date</Description>
                  <LineNumber>Part II Line 6b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 584,593


      <!-- Is Method of Accounting an Issue Pending for Any Tax Year Under Examination? -->
      <xsd:element name="MethodOfAccountingtIssuePenInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Is method of accounting an issue pending for any tax year under examination?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 4c</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 602,603

OLD line(s): 596,602

      <!-- Method of Accounting Issue Pending for Any Tax Year Under Examination Repeating Group -->
      <xsd:element name="IssuePendingExaminationInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

            <!-- Issue Pending Examination Beginning Date -->
            <xsd:element name="IssuePendingExaminationStartDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 606,607

      <!-- Name and Phone Numbers of Examining Agents and Tax Year(s) -->
      <xsd:element name="ExaminingAgentContactInfo" type="ContactAndTaxYearInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
OLD line(s): 605,606

                  <Description>Issue pending examination beginning date</Description>
                  <LineNumber>Part II Line 4c</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 610,611

            <Description>Name and phone numbers of examining agents and tax year(s)</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 6c</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 611,612

            <!-- Issue Pending Examination Ending Date -->
            <xsd:element name="IssuePendingExaminationEndDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 616,617

      <!-- Has a Copy of This Form 3115 Been Provided to The Examining Agent? -->
      <xsd:element name="CopyProvidedToExaminingAgtInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 615,616

                  <Description>Issue pending examination ending date</Description>
                  <LineNumber>Part II Line 4c</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 620,621

            <Description>Has a copy of this Form 3115 been provided to the examining agent?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 6d</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 621,626


      <!-- Does Request Require Consent of Operating Division Director? -->
      <xsd:element name="RequestRequireConsentInd" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 626,627

      <!-- Does Audit Protection Apply to the Applicant's Requested Change in Method of Accounting? -->
      <xsd:element name="AuditProtectionApplyYesInd" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 629,630

            <Description>Does request require consent of operating division director?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 4d</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 630,631

            <Description>Does audit protection apply to the applicant's requested change in method of accounting?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 635

            <xsd:extension base="BooleanType">
NEW line(s): 636

            <xsd:extension base="CheckboxType">
OLD line(s): 637

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="OperatingDivisionDirectorStatement"/>
NEW line(s): 638

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="ApplicantReceivedAuditProtectionForRequestedChangeStatement"/>
OLD line(s): 643,644

      <!-- Is Request Filed Under 90-Day or 120-Day Window Period? -->
      <xsd:element name="ReqFiledUnderWindowPeriodInd" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 644,645

      <!-- Does Audit Protection Apply to the Applicant's Requested Change in Method of Accounting? -->
      <xsd:element name="AuditProtectionApplyNoInd" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 647,648

            <Description>Is request filed under 90-day or 120-day window period?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 4e</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 648,649

            <Description>Does audit protection apply to the applicant's requested change in method of accounting?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 653

            <xsd:extension base="BooleanType">
NEW line(s): 654

            <xsd:extension base="CheckboxType">
OLD line(s): 655

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="CertificationUnderSec603RevProc20029Statement"/>
NEW line(s): 656

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="ApplcntNotRcvAudProtectionStmt"/>
OLD line(s): 661,665

      <!-- If yes to line 4e, Check Applicable Window Period -->
      <xsd:choice minOccurs="0">

        <!-- 90-Day -->
        <xsd:element name="NinetyDaysPeriodInd" type="CheckboxType">
NEW line(s): 662,663

      <!-- Not Under Exam -->
      <xsd:element name="NotUnderExamInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 668,669

              <LineNumber>Part II Line 4e</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 666,667

            <Description>Not under Exam</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 674,675

        <!-- 120-Day -->
        <xsd:element name="OneHundredTwentyDaysPeriodInd" type="CheckboxType">
NEW line(s): 672,673

      <!-- 3-Month Window -->
      <xsd:element name="ThreeMonthWindowInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 678,679

              <LineNumber>Part II Line 4e</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 676,677

            <Description>3-month window</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 684,687


      <!-- 120-Day Window Ending Date of Examination -->
      <xsd:element name="ExaminationEndDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 682,683

      <!-- 120 day -->
      <xsd:element name="OneHundredTwentyDaysPeriodInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 690,691

            <Description>120-day window ending date of examination</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 4e</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 686,687

            <Description>120 day</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 696,697

      <!-- Name and Phone Numbers of Examining Agents and Tax Year(s) -->
      <xsd:element name="CntctInfoOfExaminingAgentsTxt" type="ContactAndTaxYearInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
NEW line(s): 692,693

      <!-- Date Examination Ended -->
      <xsd:element name="ExaminationEndDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 700,701

            <Description>Name and phone numbers of examining agents and tax year(s)</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 4f</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 696,697

            <Description>Date examination ended</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 706,707

      <!-- Has a copy of this Form 3115 been provided to the examining agent identified on line 4f? -->
      <xsd:element name="CopyProvidedToExaminingAgtInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 702,703

      <!-- Method Not Before Director -->
      <xsd:element name="MethodNotBeforeDirectorInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 710,711

            <Description>Has a copy of this Form 3115 been provided to the examining agent identified on line 4f?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 4g</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 706,707

            <Description>Method not before director</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 716,717

      <!-- Is Applicant a Number Before an Appeals Office and/or Federal Court? -->
      <xsd:element name="ApplicantNumBeforeAppealsInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 712,713

      <!-- Negative Adjustment -->
      <xsd:element name="NegativeAdjustmentInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 720,721

            <Description>Is applicant a number before an appeals office and/or Federal Court?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 5a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 716,717

            <Description>Negative adjustment</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 726,727

      <!-- If yes to line 5a, Check Applicable Box: Appeals officer and/or Counsel for the Government -->
      <xsd:element name="AppealsOfficerInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 722,723

      <!-- CAP: -->
      <xsd:element name="CAPInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 730,731

            <Description>Appeals officer</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 5a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 726,727

            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 736,737

      <!-- If yes to line 5a, Check Applicable Box: Appeals officer and/or Counsel for the Government -->
      <xsd:element name="CounselForTheGovernmentInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 732,733

      <!-- Date Member Joined Group -->
      <xsd:element name="MemberJoinedGroupDt" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 740,741

            <Description>counsel for the government</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 5a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 736,737

            <Description>Date member joined group</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 746,747

      <!-- Government Council Contact Info -->
      <xsd:element name="GovernmentCouncilCntctInfoTxt" type="ContactAndTaxYearInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
NEW line(s): 742,743

      <!-- Audit Protection at End of Exam -->
      <xsd:element name="AuditProtectionExamInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 750,751

            <Description>Enter the name and telephone number of the council for the government</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 5a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 746,747

            <Description>Audit protection at end of exam</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 756,757

      <!-- Has a Copy of this Form 3115 been Provided to the Appeals Officer and/or Counsel for the Government Identified on Line 5a? -->
      <xsd:element name="CopyProvidedToGovtCnslInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 752,753

      <!-- Other -->
      <xsd:element name="OtherInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 760,761

            <Description>Has a copy of this Form 3115 been provided to the Appeals officer and/or counsel for the government identified on line 5a?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 5b</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 756,757

            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 766,767

      <!-- Is the Method of Accounting the Applicant is Requesting to Change an Issue Under Consideration by the Federal Court? -->
      <xsd:element name="AcctMthdUnderCnsdrByFedCrtInd" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 762,763

      <!-- Is Applicant Before an Appeals Office And/Or Federal Court? -->
      <xsd:element name="FedReturnBeforeAppealsInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 770,771

            <Description>Is the method of accounting the applicant is requesting to change an issue under consideration by the Federal court?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 5c</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 766,767

            <Description>Is applicant before an appeals office and/or Federal Court?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 8a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 774,781

            <xsd:extension base="BooleanType">
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType"/>
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="AppealsFederalCourtExplanationStatement"/>
NEW line(s): 769

OLD line(s): 784,785

      <!-- If Partnership or S Corporation, Accounting Method Under Examination Before an Appeals Office or Federal Court? -->
      <xsd:element name="PrtshpSCorpAcctMthdUndExamInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 772,773

      <!-- Is The Method of Accounting the Applicant is Requesting to Change an Issue Under Consideration by Appeals And/Or The Federal court? -->
      <xsd:element name="AcctMthdUnderCnsdrByFedCrtInd" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 788,789

            <Description>If, for federal income tax purposes, the applicant is an entity (including a limited liability company) treated as a partnership, S corporation, or a foreign corporation, is it requesting a change from a method of accounting that is an issue under consideration in an examination, before Appeals, or before a Federal court, with respect to a Federal income tax return of a partner, member, or shareholder of that entity? If Yes, the applicant is not eligible to make the change.</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 7</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 776,777

            <Description>Is the method of accounting the applicant is requesting to change an issue under consideration by Appeals and/or the Federal court?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 8b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 792,801


      <!-- Does The Applicable Revenue Procedure (Advance Consent or Automatic Consent) State That The Applicant Will Not Receive Audit Protection For The Requested Change (See Instructions)? -->
      <xsd:element name="RevProcedureAuditProtectionInd" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Does the applicable revenue procedure (advance consent or automatic consent) state that the applicant will not receive audit protection for the requested change (see instructions)?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 8a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 779

OLD line(s): 806

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="ApplcntNotRcvAudProtectionStmt"/>
NEW line(s): 784

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="AppealsFederalCourtExplanationStatement"/>
OLD line(s): 812,813

      <!-- Has Change in Accounting Method Been Made in Past 5 Years? -->
      <xsd:element name="ChgInAcctMthdMadeInPast5YrsInd" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 790,791

      <!-- Check Applicable Box: Appeals Officer And/Or Counsel For The Government -->
      <xsd:element name="AppealsOfficerInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 816,817

            <Description>Has the applicant, its predecessor, or a related party requested or made (either an automatic change procedure or a procedure requiring advance consent) a change in method of accounting within the past 5 years?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 9a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 794,795

            <Description>Check Applicable Box: Appeals officer and/or Counsel for the Government</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 8c</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 820,827

            <xsd:extension base="BooleanType">
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType"/>
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="AppWithdrwNotPerfDndCnsntStmt ChangeInAccountingMethodOrPeriodForPast5YearsStatement"/>
NEW line(s): 797

OLD line(s): 830,831

      <!-- Any Pending Private Letter Ruling, Technical Advice, or Accounting Method or Period Change? -->
      <xsd:element name="PnReqPrvtLtrRlngTamAcctChgInd" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 800,801

      <!-- Check Applicable Box: Appeals Officer and/or Counsel For The Government -->
      <xsd:element name="CounselForTheGovernmentInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 834,835

            <Description>Does the applicant, its predecessor, or a related party currently have pending any request for a private letter ruling, a request for change in accounting method or accounting period, or a request for technical advice?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 10a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 804,805

            <Description>Check Applicable Box: Appeals officer and/or Counsel for the Government</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 8c</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 838,845

            <xsd:extension base="BooleanType">
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType"/>
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="PrivateLetterRulingChgInAcctMthdTechAdviceReqStatement"/>
NEW line(s): 807

OLD line(s): 848,849

      <!-- Requesting Change to Overall Accounting? -->
      <xsd:element name="RequestingChgToOverallAcctInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 810,811

      <!-- Enter the Name and Telephone Number of the Appeal Officer or Counsel for the Government. -->
      <xsd:element name="AOOrGovtCounselCntctInfo" type="ContactAndTaxYearInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
OLD line(s): 852,853

            <Description>Is the applicant requesting to change its overall method of accounting?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 11</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 814,815

            <Description>Enter the name and telephone number of the appeal officer or counsel for the government.</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 8c</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 858,867

      <!-- Present Method -->
      <xsd:element name="PresentMethod" minOccurs="0">

            <!-- Choice between Cash, Accrual, or Hybrid -->
            <xsd:choice minOccurs="0">

              <!-- Cash -->
              <xsd:element name="CashInd" type="CheckboxType">
NEW line(s): 820,821

      <!-- Has a Copy of This Form 3115 Been Provided to the Appeals Officer and/or Counsel for the Government? -->
      <xsd:element name="AOOrGovtCounselProvCopyInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 870,871

                    <LineNumber>Part II Line 11</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 824,825

            <Description>Has a copy of this Form 3115 been provided to the Appeals officer and/or counsel for the government?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 8d</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 876,877

              <!-- Accrual -->
              <xsd:element name="AccrualInd" type="CheckboxType">
NEW line(s): 830,831

      <!-- If for Federal Income Tax Purposes Partnership or S Corporation, Accounting Method Under Examination Before an Appeals Office or Federal Court? -->
      <xsd:element name="PrtshpSCorpAcctMthdUndExamInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 880,881

                    <LineNumber>Part II Line 11</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 834,835

            <Description>If for federal income tax purposes, the applicant is either an entity (including a limited liability company) treated as a partnership or an S corporation, is it requesting a change from a method of accounting that is an issue under consideration in an examination, before Appeals, or before a federal court, with respect to a federal income tax return of a partner, member, or shareholder of that entity?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 10</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 886,887

              <!-- Hybrid -->
              <xsd:element name="HybridInd">
NEW line(s): 840,841

      <!-- Has Change in Accounting Method Been Made in Past 5 Years? -->
      <xsd:element name="ChgInAcctMthdMadeInPast5YrsInd" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 890,891

                    <Description>Hybrid (attach description)</Description>
                    <LineNumber>Part II Line 11</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 844,845

            <Description>Has the applicant, its predecessor, or a related party requested or made (either an automatic change procedure or non-automatic change) a change in method of accounting within the past 5 years?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 11a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 896

                    <xsd:extension base="CheckboxType">
NEW line(s): 850

            <xsd:extension base="BooleanType">
OLD line(s): 898

                      <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="PresentHybridMethodOfAccountingAttachment"/>
NEW line(s): 852

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="AppWithdrwNotPerfDndCnsntStmt ChangeInAccountingMethodOrPeriodForPast5YearsStatement"/>
OLD line(s): 904,919



      <!-- Proposed Method -->
      <xsd:element name="ProposedMethod" minOccurs="0">

            <!-- Choice between Cash, Accrual, or Hybrid -->
            <xsd:choice minOccurs="0">

              <!-- Cash -->
              <xsd:element name="CashInd" type="CheckboxType">
NEW line(s): 858,859

      <!-- Any Pending Private Letter Ruling, Technical Advice, or Accounting Method or Period Change? -->
      <xsd:element name="PnReqPrvtLtrRlngTamAcctChgInd" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 922,923

                    <LineNumber>Part II Line 11</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 862,863

            <Description>Does the applicant, its predecessor, or a related party currently have pending any request for a private letter ruling, a request for change in accounting method or accounting period, or a request for technical advice?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 12</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 926,945


              <!-- Accrual -->
              <xsd:element name="AccrualInd" type="CheckboxType">
                    <LineNumber>Part II Line 11</LineNumber>

              <!-- Hybrid -->
              <xsd:element name="HybridInd">
                    <Description>Hybrid (attach description)</Description>
                    <LineNumber>Part II Line 11</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 865

OLD line(s): 948

                    <xsd:extension base="CheckboxType">
NEW line(s): 868

            <xsd:extension base="BooleanType">
OLD line(s): 950

                      <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="ProposedHybridMethodOfAccountingAttachment"/>
NEW line(s): 870

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="PrivateLetterRulingChgInAcctMthdTechAdviceReqStatement"/>
OLD line(s): 956,959


NEW line(s): 876,883

      <!-- Requesting Change to Overall Accounting? -->
      <xsd:element name="RequestingChgToOverallAcctInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Is the applicant requesting to change its overall method of accounting?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 13</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 967

            <LineNumber>Part II Line 14</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 891

            <LineNumber>Part II Line 17</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 980,997

      <!-- Did or will Applicant Engage in Reorganization, Merger, or Liquidation During Tax Year Under Sec 381(a)? -->
      <xsd:element name="ApplcntReorganizationEngageInd" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Did or will applicant engage in reorganization,merger, or liquidation during tax year under Sec 381(a)?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 15a</LineNumber>
            <xsd:extension base="BooleanType">
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType"/>
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="ReorganizationOrMergerDuringTaxYearOfChangeStatement"/>

NEW line(s): 903

OLD line(s): 1003

            <LineNumber>Part II Line 16</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 909

            <LineNumber>Part II Line 18</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1008,1009

      <!-- Gross Receipts for 3 Years Preceding the Year of Change (repeats for each member of group, if applicable) -->
      <xsd:element name="GrossReceipts3YrsPreceding" type="GrossReceipts3YrsPrecedingType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
NEW line(s): 914,915

      <!-- Gross Receipts for 4 Years Preceding the Year of Change (repeats for each member of group, if applicable) -->
      <xsd:element name="GrossReceipts4YrsPreceding" type="GrossReceipts4YrsPrecedingType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
OLD line(s): 1012,1013

            <Description>Gross receipts for the 3 tax years preceding the year of change</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 17</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 918,919

            <Description>Gross receipts for the 4 tax years preceding the year of change</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part II Line 19a and 19b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1018

      <!-- ===== Part III - Information For Advance Consent Request ===== -->
NEW line(s): 924

      <!-- ===== Part III - Information For Non-Automatic Change Request ===== -->
OLD line(s): 1025

            <LineNumber>Part III Line 18</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 931

            <LineNumber>Part III Line 20</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1032

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="AdvanceConsentRequestProceduresStatement"/>
NEW line(s): 938

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="NonAutomaticChangeRequestProceduresStatement"/>
OLD line(s): 1043

            <LineNumber>Part III Line 22</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 949

            <LineNumber>Part III Line 23</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1061

            <LineNumber>Part III Line 23b</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 967

            <LineNumber>Part III Line 24b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1076,1077

      <!-- Does Change Require Use of Cut-Off Method? -->
      <xsd:element name="ChangeRqrUseCutOffMthdInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 982,983

      <!-- Does Published Guidance Require the Applicant to Implement the Requested Change in Method of Accounting on a Cut-Off Basis? -->
      <xsd:element name="RequireUseCutOffBasisYesInd" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 1080,1081

            <Description>Does change require use of cut-off method?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 24</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 986,987

            <Description>Does published guidance require the applicant to implement the requested change in method of accounting on a cut-off basis?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 25</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1083

NEW line(s): 990,997

            <xsd:extension base="CheckboxType">
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType"/>
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="RequireUseCutOffBasisStatement"/>
OLD line(s): 1085

NEW line(s): 1000,1009

      <!-- Does Published Guidance Require the Applicant to Implement the Requested Change in Method of Accounting on a Cut-Off Basis? -->
      <xsd:element name="RequireUseCutOffBasisNoInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Does published guidance require the applicant to implement the requested change in method of accounting on a cut-off basis?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 25</LineNumber>

OLD line(s): 1091

            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 25</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1015

            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 26</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1116,1117

            <Description>If the section 481(a) adjustment is less than $25,000 (positive or negative), does the applicant elect to take the entire amount of the adjustment into account in the year of change?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 26</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1040,1041

            <Description>Is the applicant making an election to take the entire amount of the adjustment into account in the tax year of change?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 27</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1121

NEW line(s): 1046,1065

      <!-- $50,000 De Minimus Election -->
      <xsd:element name="DeMinimisElection50KInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>$50,000 de minimus election</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 27</LineNumber>
      <!-- Eligible Acquisition Transaction Election -->
      <xsd:element name="EligibleAcquisTransElectInd" type="CheckboxType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Eligible acquisition transaction election</Description>
            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 27</LineNumber>

OLD line(s): 1127

            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 27</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1071

            <LineNumber>Part IV Line 28</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1152,1153

  <!-- Type for repeating group element 'GrossReceipts3YrsPreceding' in Part II -->
  <xsd:complexType name="GrossReceipts3YrsPrecedingType">
NEW line(s): 1096,1097

  <!-- Type for repeating group element 'GrossReceipts4YrsPreceding' in Part II -->
  <xsd:complexType name="GrossReceipts4YrsPrecedingType">
OLD line(s): 1175

      <xsd:element name="GrossReceiptsFoSecondPrecYrAmt" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 1119

      <xsd:element name="GrossReceiptsFor2ndPrecYrAmt" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 1209

NEW line(s): 1154,1171

      <!-- Gross Receipts for 4th Preceding Year -->
      <xsd:element name="GrossReceiptsFor4thPrecYrAmt" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Gross Receipts for 4th Preceding Year</Description>

      <!-- End Date for 4th Preceding Year -->
      <xsd:element name="FourthPrecedingYearEndDt" type="YearMonthType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>End Date for 4th Preceding Year</Description>

OLD line(s): 1225

NEW line(s): 1188,1292

      <!-- Present Method -->
      <xsd:element name="PresentMethod" minOccurs="0">

            <!-- Choice between Cash, Accrual, or Hybrid -->
            <xsd:choice minOccurs="0">

              <!-- Cash -->
              <xsd:element name="CashInd" type="CheckboxType">
                    <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1</LineNumber>

              <!-- Accrual -->
              <xsd:element name="AccrualInd" type="CheckboxType">
                    <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1</LineNumber>

              <!-- Hybrid -->
              <xsd:element name="HybridInd">
                    <Description>Hybrid (attach description)</Description>
                    <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1</LineNumber>
                    <xsd:extension base="CheckboxType">
                      <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType"/>
                      <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="PresentHybridMethodOfAccountingAttachment"/>



      <!-- Proposed Method -->
      <xsd:element name="ProposedMethod" minOccurs="0">

            <!-- Choice between Cash, Accrual, or Hybrid -->
            <xsd:choice minOccurs="0">

              <!-- Cash -->
              <xsd:element name="CashInd" type="CheckboxType">
                    <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1</LineNumber>

              <!-- Accrual -->
              <xsd:element name="AccrualInd" type="CheckboxType">
                    <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1</LineNumber>

              <!-- Hybrid -->
              <xsd:element name="HybridInd">
                    <Description>Hybrid (attach description)</Description>
                    <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1</LineNumber>
                    <xsd:extension base="CheckboxType">
                      <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType"/>
                      <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="ProposedHybridMethodOfAccountingAttachment"/>



OLD line(s): 1234

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1301

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1244

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1a</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1311

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1264

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1b</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1331

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1282

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1b</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1349

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1302

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1c</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1369

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2c</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1312

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1c</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1379

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2c</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1332

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1d</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1399

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2d</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1342

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1d</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1409

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2d</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1362

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1e</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1429

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2e</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1372

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1e</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1439

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2e</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1392

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1f</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1459

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2f</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1402

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1f</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1469

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2f</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1422

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1g</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1489

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2g</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1440

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1g</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1507

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2g</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1460

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1h</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1527

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2h</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1470

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 1h</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1537

              <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2h</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1487

            <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 2</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1554

            <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 3</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1491

NEW line(s): 1559,1576

      <!-- Is the Applicant Making a Change to the Overall Cash Method Under Rev. Proc. 2002-28 (DCN "33")? -->
      <xsd:element name="DCN33Ind">
            <Description>Is the applicant making a change to the overall cash method under Rev. Proc. 2002-28 (DCN "33")?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Schedule A Part I Line 5</LineNumber>
            <xsd:extension base="BooleanType">
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType"/>
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="NAICSCodeStatement"/>

OLD line(s): 1545

NEW line(s): 1631,1640

      <!-- Will the applicant use the cost-to-cost method or the simplified cost-to-cost method? -->
      <xsd:element name="CmplnFctrCstCstSmplfdMthdInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Will the applicant use the cost-to-cost method or the simplified cost-to-cost method?</Description>
            <LineNumber>Schedule D Part I Line 2d</LineNumber>

OLD line(s): 1551

            <LineNumber>Schedule D Part I Line 2d</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 1646

            <LineNumber>Schedule D Part I Line 2e</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 1582,1583

      <!-- Will Applicant Use Cost-To Cost Method in Reg sec.1.460-4(b)? -->
      <xsd:element name="ApplcntUseCostToCostMethodInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 1677,1678

      <!-- Does the applicant enter into cost-plus long-term contracts? -->
      <xsd:element name="EnterCostPlusLTCntrctInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 1586

            <Description>Will applicant use cost-to cost method in Reg sec.1.460-4(b)?</Description>
NEW line(s): 1681

            <Description>Does the applicant enter into cost-plus long-term contracts?</Description>
OLD line(s): 1592,1593

      <!-- If Line 4a is "No" , Is Applicant Electing Simplified Cost-To-Cost Method in Reg sec.1.460-5(c)? -->
      <xsd:element name="SelOfSmplfdCostToCostMethodInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 1687,1688

      <!-- Does the applicant enter into Federal long-term contracts? -->
      <xsd:element name="EnterFederalLTCntrctInd" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 1596

            <Description>If line 4a is "No" , Is applicant electing simplified cost-to-cost method in Reg sec.1.460-5(c)?</Description>
NEW line(s): 1691

            <Description>Does the applicant enter into Federal long-term contracts?</Description>