OLD line(s): 714,715
<!-- Partnership Own Separate Units within the meaning of Regulations section 1.1503-2(c)(3) or (4)? --> <xsd:element name="PartnershipOwnSeparateUnitsInd" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 714,715
<!-- Does the Filer Have an Interest in the Foreign Partnership, or an Interest Indirectly Through the Foreign Partnership, That is a Separate Unit Under Reg. 1.1503(d)-1(b)(4) or Part of a Combined Separate Unit Under Reg. 1.1503(d)-1(b)(4)(ii)? If "No" Skip Question 8b. --> <xsd:element name="FrgnPrtshpInterestSepUnitInd" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 718,719
<Description>Did the partnership own separate units within the meaning of Regulations section 1.1503-2(c)(3) or (4)?</Description> <LineNumber>G8</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 718,719
<Description>Does the filer have an interest in the foreign partnership, or an interest indirectly through the foreign partnership, that is a separate unit under Reg. 1.1503(d)-1(b)(4) or part of a combined separate unit under Reg. 1.1503(d)-1(b)(4)(ii)? If "No" skip question 8b.</Description> <LineNumber>G8a</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 731
| NEW line(s): 732,749
<!-- If "Yes," Does the Separate Unit or Combined Separate Unit Have a Dual Consolidated Loss as Defined in Reg. 1.1503(d)-1(b)(5)(ii) --> <xsd:element name="SepCombSepDualCnsldtLossInd" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>If "Yes," does the separate unit or combined separate unit have a dual consolidated loss as defined in Reg. 1.1503(d)-1(b)(5)(ii)</Description> <LineNumber>G8b</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:simpleContent> <xsd:extension base="BooleanType"> <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType"/> <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="SeparateUnitsSchedule"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:simpleContent> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> |
OLD line(s): 2081
<xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="IRS3468 IRS4255 IRS5884 IRS5884B IRS6478 IRS6765 IRS8820 IRS8826 IRS8834 IRS8835 IRS8844 IRS8845 IRS8846 IRS8864 IRS8874 IRS8881 IRS8882 IRS8896 IRS8900 IRS8906 IRS8907 IRS8908 IRS8909 IRS8910 IRS8911 IRS8912 IRS8923 ItemizedOtherCreditsSchedule NonconventionalSourceFuelCreditSchedule"/> | NEW line(s): 2099
<xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="IRS3468 IRS4255 IRS5884 IRS6478 IRS6765 IRS8820 IRS8826 IRS8834 IRS8835 IRS8844 IRS8845 IRS8846 IRS8864 IRS8874 IRS8881 IRS8882 IRS8896 IRS8900 IRS8906 IRS8907 IRS8908 IRS8909 IRS8910 IRS8911 IRS8912 IRS8923 ItemizedOtherCreditsSchedule NonconventionalSourceFuelCreditSchedule"/> |