Diff - Left File: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS926/IRS926.xsd (2009v1.0) Right File: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS926/IRS926.xsd (2009v1.1)
OLD: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS926/IRS926.xsd (2009v1.0)
NEW: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS926/IRS926.xsd (2009v1.1)

OLD line(s): 37

NEW line(s): 38,46

          <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType" >
              <xsd:documentation>List of document ID's of forms, schedules, supporting info. etc. attached to this form</xsd:documentation>

          <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="GeneralDependencySmall" />

OLD line(s): 353

      <!-- Is the Transferee Foreign Corp or a Controlled Foreign Corp? -->
NEW line(s): 362

      <!-- Is the Transferee Foreign Corp of a Controlled Foreign Corp? -->
OLD line(s): 357

            <Description>Indicates the transferee is foreign corp or a controlled foreign corp</Description>
NEW line(s): 366

            <Description>Indicates the transferee is foreign corp of a controlled foreign corp</Description>
OLD line(s): 365,366

      <!-- Cash Date of Transfer -->
      <xsd:element name="CashDateOfTransfer" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 374,375

      <!-- Cash -->
      <xsd:element name="Cash" type="CashInformationRegardingTransferPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
OLD line(s): 369,370

            <Description>CashDate of transfer</Description>
NEW line(s): 378,379

            <LineNumber>a, c</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 375,384

      <!-- Cash Fair Market Value -->
      <xsd:element name="CashFairMarketValue" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Cash fair market value</Description>

NEW line(s): 383

OLD line(s): 496

      <xsd:element name="SupplementalInformation" type="ShortExplanationType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 495

      <xsd:element name="SupplementalInformation" type="ShortExplanationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
OLD line(s): 810

      <xsd:element name="DateOfTransfer" type="DateType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 809

      <xsd:element ref="DateOfTransfer" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 830

      <xsd:element name="FairMarketValue" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 829

      <xsd:element ref="FairMarketValue" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 859

NEW line(s): 859,892

  <!-- Type for Cash repeating group in Part III - Information Regarding Transfer of Property -->
  <xsd:complexType name="CashInformationRegardingTransferPropertyType">

      <!-- Date of Transfer -->
      <xsd:element ref="DateOfTransfer" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Date of transfer</Description>

      <!-- Fair Market Value -->
      <xsd:element ref="FairMarketValue" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Fair market value</Description>


  <!-- Date of Transfer -->
  <xsd:element name="DateOfTransfer" type="DateType" />

  <!-- Fair Market Value -->
  <xsd:element name="FairMarketValue" type="USAmountType" />