OLD line(s): 51,52
<!-- Number Eligible Dishwashers --> <xsd:element name="NumEligibleDishwashers" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 51,53
<!-- Part I - Dishwashers --> <!-- Number Eligible Dishwashers Type A --> <xsd:element name="NumEligibleDishwashersTypeA" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 55
<Description>Number eligible dishwashers</Description> | NEW line(s): 56
<Description>Number eligible dishwashers type A</Description> |
OLD line(s): 61,62
<!-- Number Eligible Clothes Washers --> <xsd:element name="NumEligibleClothesWashers" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 62,63
<!-- Number Eligible Dishwashers Type B --> <xsd:element name="NumEligibleDishwashersTypeB" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 65
<Description>Number eligible clothes washers</Description> | NEW line(s): 66
<Description>Number eligible dishwashers type B</Description> |
OLD line(s): 71,72
<!-- Average number dishwashers produced in prior 3 calendar years --> <xsd:element name="AvgNumDshwshrPrdPr3Yrs" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 72,73
<!-- Average Number Dishwashers Produced In Prior 2 Calendar Years Type A --> <xsd:element name="AvgNumDshwshrPrdPr2YrsTypeA" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 75
<Description>Average number dishwashers produced in prior 3 calendar years</Description> | NEW line(s): 76
<Description>Average number dishwashers produced in prior 2 calendar years type A</Description> |
OLD line(s): 81,82
<!-- Average Number Clothes Washers Produced In Prior 3 Calendar Years --> <xsd:element name="AvgNumClthsWshrPrducdInPr3Yrs" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 82,83
<!-- Average Number Dishwashers Produced In Prior 2 Calendar Years Type B--> <xsd:element name="AvgNumDshwshrPrdPr2YrsTypeB" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 85
<Description>Average number clothes washers produced in prior 3 calendar years</Description> | NEW line(s): 86
<Description>Average number dishwashers produced in prior 2 calendar years type B</Description> |
OLD line(s): 91,92
<!-- Subtract Line 2(a) From Line 1(a) (Dishwashers) --> <xsd:element name="SubLn2aFrmLn1aDshwshr" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 92,93
<!-- Subtract Line 2(a) From Line 1(a) Type A --> <xsd:element name="SubLn2aFrmLn1aTypeA" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 95
<Description>Subtract line 2(a) from line 1(a) (Dishwashers)</Description> | NEW line(s): 96
<Description>Subtract line 2(a) from line 1(a) type A</Description> |
OLD line(s): 101,102
<!-- Subtract Line 2(b) from Line 1(b) (Clothes Washers) --> <xsd:element name="SubLn2bFrmLn1bClthsWshrs" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 102,103
<!-- Subtract Line 2(b) from Line 1(b) Type B --> <xsd:element name="SubLn2bFrmLn1bTypeB" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 105
<Description>Subtract Line 2(b) from Line 1(b) (Clothes Washers)</Description> | NEW line(s): 106
<Description>Subtract Line 2(b) from Line 1(b) type B</Description> |
OLD line(s): 111,112
<!--Multiply Line 3(a) by Line 4(a) (Dishwashers) --> <xsd:element name="MultLn3aByLn4aDshwshrs" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 112,113
<!--Multiply Line 3(a) by Line 4(a) Type A --> <xsd:element name="MultLn3aByLn4aTypeA" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 115
<Description>Multiply Line 3(a) by Line 4(a) (Dishwashers)</Description> | NEW line(s): 116
<Description>Multiply Line 3(a) by Line 4(a) type A</Description> |
OLD line(s): 121,122
<!-- Multiply Line 3(b) by Line 4(b) (Clothes Washers) --> <xsd:element name="MultLn3bByLn4bClthsWshrs" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 122,123
<!-- Multiply Line 3(b) by Line 4(b) Type B --> <xsd:element name="MultLn3bByLn4bTypeB" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 125
<Description>Multiply Line 3(b) by Line 4(b) (Clothes Washers)</Description> | NEW line(s): 126
<Description>Multiply Line 3(b) by Line 4(b) type B</Description> |
OLD line(s): 131,132
<!-- Tentative Credit for Dishwashers and Clothes Washers --> <xsd:element name="TntivCrdtForDshwshrClthsWshrs" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 132,133
<!-- Tentative Credit for Dishwashers --> <xsd:element name="TentativeCrdtforDishwshrs" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 135
<Description>Tentative credit for dishwashers and clothes washers</Description> | NEW line(s): 136
<Description>Tentative credit for dishwashers</Description> |
OLD line(s): 141,142
<!-- Type A Refrigerators Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeARefrigeratorsProduced" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 142,145
<!-- Part II - Clothes Washers --> <!-- Type A Clothes Washers Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeAClothesWashersProdcd" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 145
<Description>Type a refrigerators produced</Description> | NEW line(s): 148
<Description>Type A Clothes Washers Produced</Description> |
OLD line(s): 151,152
<!-- Type B Refrigerators Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeBRefrigeratorsProduced" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 154,155
<!-- Type B Clothes Washers Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeBClothesWashersProdcd" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 155
<Description>Type b refrigerators produced</Description> | NEW line(s): 158
<Description>Type B Clothes Washers Produced</Description> |
OLD line(s): 161,162
<!-- Type C Refrigerators Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeCRefrigeratorsProduced" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 164,165
<!-- Type C Clothes Washers Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeCClothesWashersProdcd" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 165
<Description>Type c refrigerators produced</Description> | NEW line(s): 168
<Description>Type C Clothes Washers Produced</Description> |
OLD line(s): 171,172
<!-- 110% Average Number Type A Refrigerators --> <xsd:element name="Per110AvgNumberTypeARfrgrtrs" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 174,175
<!-- Type D Clothes Washers Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeDClothesWashersProdcd" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 175
<Description>110% Average number type A refrigerators</Description> | NEW line(s): 178,189
<Description>Type D Clothes Washers Produced</Description> <LineNumber>Line 7(d)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Average Number Eligible Clothes Washer Type A --> <xsd:element name="AvgeNumElgblClothesWasherTypA" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Average number eligible clothes washer type A</Description> |
OLD line(s): 181,182
<!-- 110% Average Number Type B Refrigerators --> <xsd:element name="Per110AvgNumberTypeBRfrgrtrs" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 195,196
<!-- Average Number Eligible Clothes Washer Type B --> <xsd:element name="AvgeNumElgblClothesWasherTypB" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 185
<Description>110% Average number type B refrigerators</Description> | NEW line(s): 199
<Description>Average number eligible clothes washer type B</Description> |
OLD line(s): 191,192
<!-- 110% Average Number Type C Refrigerators --> <xsd:element name="Per110AvgNumberTypeCRfrgrtrs" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 205,207
<!-- Average Number Eligible Clothes Washer Type C --> <xsd:element name="AvgeNumElgblClothesWasherTypC" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 195
<Description>110% Average number type C refrigerators</Description> | NEW line(s): 210
<Description>Average number eligible clothes washer type C</Description> |
OLD line(s): 201,202
<!-- Subtract Line 8(a) from Line 7(a) (Type A) --> <xsd:element name="SubtLn8aFrmLn7bTypeA" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 216,218
<!-- Average Number Eligible Clothes Washer Type D --> <xsd:element name="AvgeNumElgblClothesWasherTypD" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 205
<Description>Subtract line 8(a) from line 7(a) (Type A)</Description> | NEW line(s): 221,232
<Description>Average number eligible clothes washer type D</Description> <LineNumber>Line 8(d)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Subtract Line 8(a) From Line 7(a) Type A --> <xsd:element name="SubtractLne8aFromLne7aTypA" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Subtract line 8(a) from line 7(a) type A</Description> |
OLD line(s): 211,212
<!-- Subtract Line 8(b) from Line 7(b) (Type B) --> <xsd:element name="SubtLn8aFrmLn7bTypeB" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 238,240
<!-- Subtract Line 8(b) From Line 7(b) Type A --> <xsd:element name="SubtractLne8bFromLne7bTypB" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 215
<Description>Subtract line 8(b) from line 7(b) (Type B)</Description> | NEW line(s): 243
<Description>Subtract line 8(b) from line 7(b) type B</Description> |
OLD line(s): 222,223
<!-- Subtract Line 8(a) from Line 7(b) (Type C) --> <xsd:element name="SubtLn8aFrmLn7bTypeC" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 250,251
<!-- Subtract Line 8(c) From Line 7(c) Type C --> <xsd:element name="SubtractLne8cFromLne7cTypC" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 226
<Description>Subtract line 8(c) from line 7(c) (Type C)</Description> | NEW line(s): 254
<Description>Subtract line 8(c) from line 7(c) type C</Description> |
OLD line(s): 232,233
<!-- Multiply Line 9(a) by Line 10(a) --> <xsd:element name="MultLn9aByLn10a" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 260,262
<!-- Subtract Line 8(d) From Line 7(d) Type D --> <xsd:element name="SubtractLne8dFromLne7dTypD" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 236,237
<Description>Multiply line 9(a) by line 10(a)</Description> <LineNumber>Line 11</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 265,266
<Description>Subtract line 8(d) from line 7(d) type D</Description> <LineNumber>Line 9(d)</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 242,243
<!-- Enter Smaller of line 11 or $20,000,000 --> <xsd:element name="EnterSmallerofLine11or20000000" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 271,273
<!-- Multiply Line 9(a) By Line 10(a) --> <xsd:element name="Multiply9aByLne10a" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 246,247
<Description>Enter smaller of line 11 or $20,000,000</Description> <LineNumber>Line 12(a)</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 276,277
<Description>Multiply line 9(a) by line 10 (a)</Description> <LineNumber>Line 11(a)</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 252,253
<!-- Multiply 9(b) by 10(b) --> <xsd:element name="Multiply9bBy10b" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 282,283
<!-- Multiply Line 9(b) By Line 10(b) --> <xsd:element name="Multiply9bByLne10b" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 256,257
<Description>Multiply 9(b) by 10(b)</Description> <LineNumber>Line 12(b)</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 286,287
<Description>Multiply line 9(b) by line 10(b)</Description> <LineNumber>Line 11(b)</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 262,263
<!-- Multiply 9(c) by 10(c) --> <xsd:element name="Multiply9cBy10c" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 292,293
<!-- Multiply Line 9(c) By Line 10(c) --> <xsd:element name="Multiply9cByLne10c" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 266,267
<Description>Multiply 9(c) by 10(c)</Description> <LineNumber>Line 12(c)</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 296,297
<Description>Multiply line 9(c) by line 10(c)</Description> <LineNumber>Line 11(c)</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 272,273
<!-- Tentative Credit for Refrigerators --> <xsd:element name="TentativeCreditForRefrigerator" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 302,304
<!-- Multiply Line 9(d) By Line 10(d) --> <xsd:element name="Multiply9dByLne10d" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 276,277
<Description>Tentative Credit for Refrigerators</Description> <LineNumber>Line 13</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 307,308
<Description>Multiply line 9(d) by line 10(d)</Description> <LineNumber>Line 11(d)</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 282
<!-- Total Tentative Credit--> | NEW line(s): 313,506
<!-- Tentative Credit For Clothes Washers --> <xsd:element name="TentativeCrdtForClothesWashers" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Tentative credit for clothes washers</Description> <LineNumber>Line 12</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Part III Refrigerators --> <!-- Type A Refrigerators Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeARefrigeratorsProdcd" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Type A refrigerators produced</Description> <LineNumber>Line 13(a)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Type B Refrigerators Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeBRefrigeratorsProdcd" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Type B refrigerators produced</Description> <LineNumber>Line 13(b)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Type C Refrigerators Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeCRefrigeratorsProdcd" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Type C refrigerators produced</Description> <LineNumber>Line 13(c)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Type D Refrigerators Produced --> <xsd:element name="TypeDRefrigeratorsProdcd" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Type D refrigerators produced</Description> <LineNumber>Line 13(d)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Average Number Eligible Refrigerator Type A --> <xsd:element name="AvgeNumElgblRefrigTypA" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Average number eligible refrigerator type A</Description> <LineNumber>Line 14(a)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Average Number Eligible Refrigerator Type B --> <xsd:element name="AvgeNumElgblRefrigTypB" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Average number eligible refrigerator type B</Description> <LineNumber>Line 14(b)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Average Number Eligible Refrigerator Type C --> <xsd:element name="AvgeNumElgblRefrigTypC" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Average number eligible refrigerator type C</Description> <LineNumber>Line 14(c)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Average Number Eligible Refrigerator Type D --> <xsd:element name="AvgeNumElgblRefrigTypD" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Average number eligible refrigerator type D</Description> <LineNumber>Line 14(d)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Substract Line 14(a) From Line 13(a) Type A --> <xsd:element name="SubtractLne14aFrmLne13aTypA" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Subtract line 14(a) from line 13(a) Type A</Description> <LineNumber>Line 15(a)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Substract Line 14(b) From Line 13(b) Type B --> <xsd:element name="SubtractLne14bFrmLne13bTypB" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Subtract line 14(b) from line 13(b) Type B</Description> <LineNumber>Line 15(b)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Substract Line 14(c) From Line 13(c) Type C --> <xsd:element name="SubtractLne14cFrmLne13cTypC" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Subtract line 14(c) from line 13(c) Type C</Description> <LineNumber>Line 15(c)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Substract Line 14(d) From Line 13(d) Type D --> <xsd:element name="SubtractLne14dFrmLne13dTypD" type="IntegerType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Subtract line 14(d) from line 13(d) Type D</Description> <LineNumber>Line 15(d)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Multiply Line 15(a) By Line 16(a) Type A --> <xsd:element name="Multiply15aByLne16aTypA" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Multiply line 15(a) by line 16(a) type A</Description> <LineNumber>Line 17(a)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Multiply Line 15(b) By Line 16(b) Type B --> <xsd:element name="Multiply15bByLne16bTypB" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Multiply line 15(b) by line 16(b) type B</Description> <LineNumber>Line 17(b)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Multiply Line 15(c) By Line 16(c) Type C --> <xsd:element name="Multiply15cByLne16cTypC" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Multiply line 15(c) by line 16(c) type C</Description> <LineNumber>Line 17(c)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Multiply Line 15(d) By Line 16(d) Type D --> <xsd:element name="Multiply15dByLne16dTypD" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Multiply line 15(d) by line 16(d) type D</Description> <LineNumber>Line 17(d)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Tentative Credit For Refrigerators --> <xsd:element name="TentativeCrdtForRefrigerators" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Tentative credit for refrigerators</Description> <LineNumber>Line 18</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> <!-- Part IV - CY Energy Appliance Credit --> <!-- Total Tentative Credit --> |
OLD line(s): 287
<LineNumber>Line 14</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 511
<LineNumber>Line 19</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 292,293
<!-- 2% Average Annual Gross Receipts --> <xsd:element name="Avg2PerAnnualGrossReceipts" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 516,517
<!-- 2% Average Gross Receipts --> <xsd:element name="Per2AvgeAnnualGrossRecpts" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 296,297
<Description>2% Average Annual Gross Receipts</Description> <LineNumber>Line 15</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 520,521
<Description>2 % average gross receipts</Description> <LineNumber>Line 20</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 301
| NEW line(s): 526,534
<!-- Line 11(d) Amount --> <xsd:element name="Line11dAmount" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> <Description>Line 11(d) amount</Description> <LineNumber>Line 21(b)</LineNumber> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> |
OLD line(s): 303,304
<!-- Amount From Line 17 --> <xsd:element name="AmountFromLine17" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 536,537
<!-- Line 17(d) Amount --> <xsd:element name="Line17dAmount" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 307,308
<Description>Amount from line 17</Description> <LineNumber>Line 16b</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 540,541
<Description>Line 17(d) amount</Description> <LineNumber>Line 21(c)</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 313,314
<!-- Subtract Line 16b from 16a --> <xsd:element name="SubtractLine16bFrom16a" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 546,547
<!-- Maximum Credit Allowed --> <xsd:element name="MaximumCreditAllowed" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 317,318
<Description>Subtract Line 16b from 16a</Description> <LineNumber>Line 16c</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 550,551
<Description>Maximum credit allowed</Description> <LineNumber>Line 21(d)</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 323,324
<!-- Smallest of Lines 14, 15 or 16c --> <xsd:element name="SmallestOfLines14And15Or16c" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 556,557
<!-- Smallest of Lines 19, 20, 21(d) --> <xsd:element name="SmallestOfLnes19And20Or21d" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 327,328
<Description>Smallest of lines 14, 15 or 16c</Description> <LineNumber>Line 17</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 560,561
<Description>Smallest of lines 19, 20, 21(d)</Description> <LineNumber>Line 22</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 333
<!-- Energy Efficient Appliance Credits --> | NEW line(s): 565
OLD line(s): 339
<LineNumber>Line 17</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 571
<LineNumber>Line 22</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 344
<xsd:element name="EnergyEfficientApplianceCredit" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 576,577
<!-- Energy Efficient Appliance Credits --> <xsd:element name="EnergyEffcntApplianceCrdt" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 347,348
<Description>Energy Efficient Appliance Credits</Description> <LineNumber>Line 18</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 580,581
<Description>Energy efficient appliance credits</Description> <LineNumber>Line 23</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 353,354
<!-- Add Lines 17 and 18 --> <xsd:element name="AddLines17And18" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 586,587
<!-- Add Lines 22(a) and 23 --> <xsd:element name="AddLines22aAnd23" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 357,358
<Description>Add lines 17 and 18</Description> <LineNumber>Line 19</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 590,591
<Description>Add lines 22(a) and 23</Description> <LineNumber>Line 24</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 364
<xsd:element name="AmtAllocatedToBeneficiaries" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 597
<xsd:element name="AmtAllctedToBeneEstTrstPatrn" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 368
<LineNumber>Line 20</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 601
<LineNumber>Line 25</LineNumber> |
OLD line(s): 373,374
<!-- Estates, Trusts, and Cooperatives --> <xsd:element name="EstatesTrustsAndCooperatives" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> | NEW line(s): 606,607
<!-- Subtract Line 25 From Line 24 --> <xsd:element name="SubtractLne25FrmLne24" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0"> |
OLD line(s): 377,378
<Description>Estates, Trusts, and Cooperatives</Description> <LineNumber>Line 21</LineNumber> | NEW line(s): 610,611
<Description>Subtract line 25 from line 24</Description> <LineNumber>Line 26</LineNumber> |