Diff - Left File: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS8858/IRS8858.xsd (2005v2.4) Right File: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS8858/IRS8858.xsd (2005v3.0)
OLD: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS8858/IRS8858.xsd (2005v2.4)
NEW: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS8858/IRS8858.xsd (2005v3.0)

OLD line(s): 38

                    <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="BinaryAttachment OrganizationChartStatement" />
NEW line(s): 38

                    <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="BinaryAttachment IRS8858ScheduleM OrganizationChartStatement" />
OLD line(s): 275,276

                        <!-- Address of person with custody of books and records -->
                        <xsd:element name="CustodianAddress" type="USAddressType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 275,279

      <!-- Choice between: US Address or Foreign Address -->
      <xsd:choice minOccurs="0">

        <!-- US Address of person with custody of books and records -->
        <xsd:element name="CustodianUSAddress" type="USAddressType">
OLD line(s): 279

                                    <Description>Address of person with custody of books and records</Description>
NEW line(s): 282

              <Description>US Address of person with custody of books and records</Description>
OLD line(s): 283

NEW line(s): 287,297

        <!-- Foreign Address of person with custody of books and records -->
        <xsd:element name="CustodianForeignAddress" type="ForeignAddressType">
              <Description>Foreign Address of person with custody of books and records</Description>


OLD line(s): 355

            <xsd:element name="TaxOwnerCountryOrganized" type="CountryType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 369

            <xsd:element name="TaxOwnerCountryOrganized" type="AllCountriesType" minOccurs="0">