Diff - Left File: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS6765/IRS6765.xsd (2006v2.0) Right File: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS6765/IRS6765.xsd (2006v3.0)
OLD: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS6765/IRS6765.xsd (2006v2.0)
NEW: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/IRS6765/IRS6765.xsd (2006v3.0)

OLD line(s): 218

            <LineNumber>Section A Line 17</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 218

            <LineNumber>Section A Line 17a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 225

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="MembersOfControlledGroupStmt CapExpensesDedAmountsSchedule" />
NEW line(s): 225

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="CapExpensesDedAmountsSchedule MembersOfControlledGroupStmt" />
OLD line(s): 236

            <LineNumber>Section A Line 17</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 236

            <LineNumber>Section A Line 17a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 240

NEW line(s): 241,250

      <!-- Multiply Line 17A By The Applicable Percentage (See Instructions) -->
      <xsd:element name="SectAMultiplyCYCrByApplcblPct" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Multiply line 17a by the applicable percentage (see instructions)</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section A Line 17b</LineNumber>

OLD line(s): 334

      <xsd:element name="PctOfCntrctRsrchExpensesSectB" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 344

      <xsd:element name="PctOfCntrctRsrchExpensesSectB" type="RatioType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 488

            <LineNumber>Section B Line 42</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 498

            <LineNumber>Section B Line 42a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 495

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="MembersOfControlledGroupStmt CapExpensesDedAmountsSchedule" />
NEW line(s): 505

              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="CapExpensesDedAmountsSchedule MembersOfControlledGroupStmt" />
OLD line(s): 506

            <LineNumber>Section B Line 42</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 516

            <LineNumber>Section B Line 42a</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 511

      <!-- Section C: Total Current Year Credit for Increasing Research Activites -->
NEW line(s): 521,529

      <!-- Multiply Line 42A By The Applicable Percentage (See Instructions) -->
      <xsd:element name="SectBMultiplyCYCrByApplcblPct" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Multiply line 42a by the applicable percentage (see instructions)</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section B Line 42b</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 512

NEW line(s): 531,742

      <!-- Section C: Alternative Simplified Credit (for tax years ending after December 31, 2006) -->

      <!-- Certain Amounts Paid Or Incurred To Energy Consortia -->
      <xsd:element name="AmtPaidOrIncurredToEnergyCnsrt" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Certain amounts paid or incurred to energy consortia</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 43</LineNumber>

      <!-- Basic Research Payments To Qualified Organizations -->
      <xsd:element name="BasicResearchPymtToQlfyOrg" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Basic research payments to qualified organizations</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 44</LineNumber>

      <!-- Qualified Organization Base Period Amount -->
      <xsd:element name="QualifiedOrgBasePeriodAmount" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Qualified organization base period amount</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 45</LineNumber>

      <!-- Subtract line 45 from line 44 -->
      <xsd:element name="AdjBasicResearchPymtToQlfyOrg" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Subtract line 45 from line 44. If zero or less, enter -0-</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 46</LineNumber>

      <!-- Add Lines 43 And 46 -->
      <xsd:element name="SumOfAmtPdAndAdjBscRsrchPymt" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Add lines 43 and 46</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 47</LineNumber>

      <!-- Multiply line 47 by 20% -->
      <xsd:element name="TwentyPctOfLine47" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Multiply line 47 by 20% (.20)</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 48</LineNumber>

      <!-- Wages For Qualified Services -->
      <xsd:element name="WagesForQualifiedServicesSectC" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Wages for qualified services (do not include wages used in figuring the work opportunity credit)</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 49</LineNumber>

      <!-- Cost Of Supplies -->
      <xsd:element name="CostOfSuppliesSectC" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Cost of supplies</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 50</LineNumber>

      <!-- Rental Or Lease Costs Of Computers -->
      <xsd:element name="RntlOrLsCostsOfComputersSectC" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Rental or lease costs of computers (see the line 7 instructions)</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 51</LineNumber>

      <!-- Enter The Applicable Percentage Of Contract Research Expenses -->
      <xsd:element name="ApplcblPctOfCntrctRsrchExpnss" type="RatioType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Enter the applicable percentage of contract research expenses (see the line 8 instructions)</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 52</LineNumber>

      <!-- Total Qualified Research Expenses -->
      <xsd:element name="TotalQualifiedResearchExpenses" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Total qualified research expenses. Add lines 49 through 52.</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 53</LineNumber>

      <!-- Enter your total qualified research expenses for the prior 3 tax years. -->
      <xsd:element name="TotQlfyRsrchExpnssForPrior3TYs" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Enter your total qualified research expenses for the prior 3 tax years. If you had no qualified research expenses in any one of those years, skip lines 55 and 56</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 54</LineNumber>

      <!-- Divide Line 54 By 6.0 -->
      <xsd:element name="PartialResearchExpenses" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Divide line 54 by 6.0</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 55</LineNumber>

      <!-- Subtract line 55 from line 53. -->
      <xsd:element name="DiffOfTotalAndPartialRsrchExp" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Subtract line 55 from line 53. If zero or less, enter -0-</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 56</LineNumber>

      <!-- Multiply Line 56 By 12% -->
      <xsd:element name="MultiplyDiffRsrchExpByPct" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Multiply line 56 by 12% (.12). If you skipped lines 55 and 56, multiply line 53 by 6% (.06)</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 57</LineNumber>

      <!-- Add Lines 48 And 57 -->
      <xsd:element name="SumOfLN48AndLN57" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Add lines 48 and 57</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 58</LineNumber>

      <!-- Multiply Line 58 By The Applicable 2007 Percentage -->
      <xsd:element name="MultiplyLN58ByApplcblPct" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Multiply line 58 by the applicable 2007 percentage</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 59</LineNumber>

      <!-- Add line 17b or line 42b (whichever applies) and line 59 -->
      <xsd:element name="SumOfSectAAndSectBCr" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Add line 17b or line 42b (whichever applies) and line 59</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 60</LineNumber>

      <!-- If Yes, Multiply Line 60 By 65%. See Instructions. -->
      <xsd:element name="SectionCReducedCr" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>If yes, multiply line 60 by 65%. See instructions.</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 61</LineNumber>
            <xsd:extension base="USAmountType">
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentId" type="IdListType"/>
              <xsd:attribute name="referenceDocumentName" type="StringType" fixed="CapExpensesDedAmountsSchedule MembersOfControlledGroupStmt" />

      <!-- Section C Reduced Section 280C Credit Election -->
      <xsd:element name="SectCReducedSect280CCrElection" type="BooleanType" minOccurs="0">
            <Description>Section CReduced section 280C credit election</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 61</LineNumber>

      <!-- Section D: Total Current Year Credit for Increasing Research Activites -->

OLD line(s): 518

            <LineNumber>Section C Line 43</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 748

            <LineNumber>Section D Line 62</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 523

      <!-- Add Line 17 or Line 42 to Line 43 -->
NEW line(s): 753

      <!-- Add Line 17A Or Line 42A To Line 62 -->
OLD line(s): 527,528

            <Description>Add line 17 or line 42 to line 43</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section C Line 44</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 757,758

            <Description>Add line 17a or line 42a to line 62</Description>
            <LineNumber>Section D Line 63</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 540

            <LineNumber>Line 45</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 770

            <LineNumber>Line 64</LineNumber>
OLD line(s): 550

            <LineNumber>Line 46</LineNumber>
NEW line(s): 780

            <LineNumber>Line 65</LineNumber>