Diff - Left File: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/Dependencies/ForeignTaxSchedule.xsd (2007v2.1) Right File: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/Dependencies/ForeignTaxSchedule.xsd (2007v2.2)
OLD: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/Dependencies/ForeignTaxSchedule.xsd (2007v2.1)
NEW: CorporateIncomeTax/Common/Dependencies/ForeignTaxSchedule.xsd (2007v2.2)

OLD line(s): 100,101

            <!-- Foreign Gross Income Sourced at Corporate Level - Listed Categories -->
            <xsd:element name="ForeignGrossIncmSrcdCorpLvlLC" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 100,101

            <!-- Foreign Gross Income Sourced at Corporate Level - General Category -->
            <xsd:element name="ForeignGrossIncmSrcdCorpLvlGC" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 104

                  <Description>Foreign gross income sourced at corporate level - Listed categories</Description>
NEW line(s): 104

                  <Description>Foreign gross income sourced at corporate level - General category</Description>
OLD line(s): 106

NEW line(s): 107,115


            <!-- Foreign Gross Income Sourced at Corporate Level - Other -->
            <xsd:element name="ForeignGrossIncmSrcdCorpLvlOT" minOccurs="0">
                  <Description>Foreign gross income sourced at corporate level - Other</Description>
OLD line(s): 117,125

            <!-- Foreign Gross Income Sourced at Corporate Level - General Limitation -->
            <xsd:element name="ForeignGrossIncmSrcdCorpLvlGL" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
                  <Description>Foreign gross income sourced at corporate level - General limitation</Description>

NEW line(s): 125

OLD line(s): 153,154

            <!-- Deductions Allocated and Apportioned at Corporate Level to Foreign Source Income - Listed Categories -->
            <xsd:element name="DedAllocAndApprtnAtCorpLvlLC" minOccurs="0">
NEW line(s): 153,154

            <!-- Deductions Allocated and Apportioned at Corporate Level to Foreign Source Income - General Category -->
            <xsd:element name="DedAllocAndApprtnAtCorpLvlGC" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
OLD line(s): 157

                  <Description>Deductions allocated and apportioned at corporate level to foreign source income - Listed categories</Description>
NEW line(s): 157

                  <Description>Deductions allocated and apportioned at corporate level to foreign source income - General category</Description>
OLD line(s): 159

NEW line(s): 160,168


            <!-- Deductions Allocated and Apportioned at Corporate Level to Foreign Source Income - Other -->
            <xsd:element name="DedAllocAndApprtnCorpLvlOT" minOccurs="0">
                  <Description>Deductions allocated and apportioned at corporate level to foreign source income - Other</Description>
OLD line(s): 170,178

            <!-- Deductions Allocated and Apportioned at Corporate Level to Foreign Source Income - General Limitation -->
            <xsd:element name="DedAllocAndApprtnCorpLvlGL" type="USAmountType" minOccurs="0">
                  <Description>Deductions allocated and apportioned at corporate level to foreign source income - General limitation</Description>

NEW line(s): 178