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990 Decoder -- Charity Navigator

ETL toolkit for 2.5 million electronic nonprofit tax returns released by the IRS.

Cloning the 990 database into MySQL

About the 990 database

Charity Navigator depends on the IRS 990 for part of its rating process. The 990 database associated with this toolkit is a first step at leveraging newer, electronic versions of this crucial public record for this purpose. As such, this database captures data relevant to the Charity Navigator rating process.

Which version should I use?

Charity Navigator provides two versions of the 990 database.

We recommend that you start with the small database for exploring the 990 dataset, which will be cheaper and easier.


Using either the small or the large database requires the ability to use SQL databases, as well as passing familiarity with Linux and Amazon Web Services. You must also be willing to spend money on instantiating the database. Our data are free to use; Amazon Web Services is not. Building the small database should be quite inexpensive if you do it as specified; the large one will run up a bigger bill.

Set-up process (small database)

  1. Create an AWS account (if needed) and log in. See Amazon’s official documentation for help.
  2. Create a virtual computer (EC2 instance) to use for the project. For the small database, you can run everything on this one machine.
    1. Go to the “Services” menu in AWS and choose “EC2.”
    2. Click “Launch Instance.”
    3. Select “Amazon Linux AMI.”
    4. Click on “m4.xlarge” and press “Configure Instance Details.” As of this writing, m4.xlarge costs $0.215 per hour.
    5. Accept all the defaults on Step 3 (Configure Instance Details) and continue to “Add Storage.”
    6. Increase “Size” to 20 GiB and press “Review and Launch.”
    7. Confirm the details and press “Launch.”
    8. Create a key pair (if needed) or choose an existing key pair (returning users). You should end up with a .pem file that functions like a password for the purpose of accessing your new virtual computer.
  3. Connect to your virtual computer.
    1. Log into your machine using the instructions that follow. The default username for Amazon Linux is ec2-user. [Windows instructions] [Mac/Linux instructions]
  4. Configure your virtual computer.
    1. Follow these steps to install MySQL server, which we will use to run the database.
    2. Run mysql -u root -pmypassword where mypassword is the password you just set.
    3. Run CREATE DATABASE irs990; and then EXIT.
    4. If you do not already have one for another reason, create an AWS access key pair. This is not the same as the key pair you created earlier. That let you log into the virtual computer; this allows you to authenticate for billing purposes, which you must do in order to download the 990 data.
    5. Run aws configure and provide the access key and secret access key. If needed, see the AWS documentation for more info.
  5. Download and set up the database.
    1. Download the latest version of our database image by typing aws s3 cp s3://irs-990-toolkit/data/irs990_no_xml_2017_03_07.sql.tar.gz .
    2. The file is compressed for easier transfer. Uncompress it by typing tar -xvf irs990_no_xml_2017_03_07.sql.tar.gz
    3. Load the database by typing mysql -u root -pmypassword irs990 < irs990_no_xml_20170307.sql, where mypassword is the root password you created. This will take about 10 minutes.

Exploring the dataset

See our database overview page for a description of the database’s contents.

Clean-up process (small database)

The database is now ready for use. It is also costing you by the hour. When you are done with what you need, therefore, you have two basic options:

If you want to use the large database

In principle, you could use nearly the exact same steps for the large database. The only differences are as follows:

In practice, we recommend using separate computers for the database and for your interaction with it. It will run faster and probably end up cheaper. The easiest way to do this is to create an RDS instance for your database, which is a managed service for databases. The downside is that this is more complex and, if done wrong, could create security issues (or large server bills), so consult an IT person.